

sobota, 19 stycznia 2008

Positive Self Defense is a state of mind (PSD)

Self Defense is more then kicking, punching, it is more the carrying a knife, gun or having an attack dog. Question if you lock your doors are you safe? If you have a gun are you safe? Have you ever given any thought to why a person is picked by an attacker? There are hundreds and in many cases thousands of people that a murder, robber, rapist has to pick from in their list of people. So we are back to the question why?

Here is a better question if that person is you or someone you know what will they do? Please understand this article is not being written to scare anyone. I am writing this because I do not want you to be picked by anyone as their victim. So the way I see it this is my way of possibility helping you and others to be better prepared.

Self defense is much more then a lock, wall or weapon. The greatest weapon that you have is your mind. Your state of mind can help you to meet all challenges. Self defense it is more a state of mind then any other item and factor. Positive self defense is a way of having a better understanding of no only the physical but your mental weapons. PSD is designed to help the student to recognize potential hazards and provide them with realistic options for effective response. By empowering them to make positive choices, we hope to enable all to avoid or escape the cycle of violence.

The goal of positive self-defense is to give you a better understanding of yourself and your ability to protect yourself from harm. Taking action is a choice. Not taking action is also a choice. We are looking give you more and better options. We are looking at the mental and the physical sides of personal self-defense. PSD is a more holistic look or approach at you and your self-defense; we are not just covering the physical tactics regularly covered by other programs. Every day we work and live in this world. We are all in search of happiness and safety. We are all searching to find pleasure and to avoid pain. We all work to bring and share enjoyment with the people we care about and ourselves.

If you watch the television news, open the paper or just listen to the people around you, you hear about all the bad things that are happening on and in your offices, neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties and all over the world. There are also a lot of positive things in this world. Knowing that you can protect yourself and the people you care about is important. If you are a man or woman it does not matter; the first thing that you must do is know and truly believe in yourself. P.S.D. can help you with this goal.

Take control of the most valuable person you know, yourself. Our law enforcement community and our government systems are some of the best in the world. But they can only do some much. Unfortunately in most cases they just can not be there when we need them as they have to crystal ball to see the future.

PSD is about the way you:

Walk, Talk, Look, Dress, Think, Punch, Kick, Throw, Sit, Stand, and how even how you sleep and interact with others. Again it all starts with a good mindset a positive mindset. Positive self defense is not a matter of age, gender, size or occupation it works as long as you apply it. Please note that no one can change the past. However you have a lot to do with your future.

You can start on your own type of positive self defense program by reading positive books, listening to tapes, getting into a fitness program, taking a self defense course, eating better and more health foods. Spending less time in front of the TV, spend more time with the people you care about. Finding positive things to do that empower you. Things that add you over the things that, take away from you. Stay away from the negative people. You have but one life and one chance to live it so what are you waiting for Start today.

"It is not a good idea, to use the same mindset to solve the problem as was used to create the problem in the first place, as Mr. Einstein would say." We are trying to assist with that change of mindset.

We at the San Yama Bushi & Combination GoJu (SYBCG) School of Self Defense offer a PSD course. Our course also comes with an information review booklet. Our 31 pages are full of information that you can use for your review of the course after you complete this 4-hour program. The P.S.D. Personal Empowerment and Personal Safety Education Program has been developed after years of research and refinement with dedicated education professionals, law enforcement professionals, sexual assault counselors, self-defense experts, and of course, a concerned instructors and our goal is to empower you in the way of balance. So let the journey begin, you have everything in the world to gain. You can learn more about us by visiting the writer's website.

By Zurriane Bennett

San Yama Bushi & Combination GoJu
School of Self Defense

Z Bennett - EzineArticles Expert Author

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