

niedziela, 20 stycznia 2008

Focusing on the Essentials of Aikido

Aikido is an old martial art, not as old as many others but old nevertheless. It was created by Morihei Ueshiba and it is the result of a distillation of different martial arts. Most people see it as a type of exercise or dance because of its fluid form. Other people have their own definitions for the martial art as well.

Sometimes Aikido is confused with Daito Ryu Aikijutsu but the essentials of both martial arts are actually different. According to Ueshiba his eyes were opened by Sokaku Takeda who himself was a grandmaster of the Daito Ryu and opened his eyes to the Budo.

What is this far eastern martial art all about?

This particular discipline may have many different forms but it is essentially a Budo or martial art. It is an art that has been refined and combined with a philosophy that advocates the use of the power of the spirit. The basic essence of aikido is a perfect blending of bodily and mental functions. The philosophy of this sport is derived from the belief that deception and trickery are not the needed things required to defeat our opponents. Brute force is also not one of these requirements. Rather a focus on concentration using the spirit is enough to strengthen.

Aikido is also a means by which we can discover our true paths and by so doing develop a sense of individuality. Aikido also teaches people who practice it to merge their bodies and minds and achieve a state of harmony with nature and the universe. The power and strength which they feel will come from this balance and harmony. When we use the term universe in Aikido it is not to refer to an obscure intangible and unattainable concept. It is an attainable concept that can easily be achieved through what goes on in our daily lives.

The movements in Aikido are movements of a circular nature. A circle movement protects the person within it from an opposing force. In order to create the right atmosphere however a firm center is needed. One analogy of what is required is in a spinning top rotating at a very fast speed. If no center existed then the speed would only result in imbalance. In the human body this firmness can only be achieved if the mind and body are completely clear, a state which might take a person a very long time to achieve.

In Aikido training is essential as well as concentration because the creation of a center may be easy in the confines of a dojo but the same conditions might not exist outside that dojo. Maintaining composure isn't easy when a person is confronted by circumstances that are not within their direct control. Maintaining calm isn't easy in this case. The discipline really aims to promote the maintenance of the composure of an individual even in extraneous situations which do not occur in areas which are within their control. This powerful martial art brings balance to all aspects of a person's life both within and outside the dojo and helps you combat the varying conditions that life throws at us.

Written by Darren Williger.

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