

piątek, 25 stycznia 2008

Aikido and Daily Life

In Japan Aikido is often called the “art of peace”, this is because the martial art recommends a peaceful solution for any conflict or form of aggression. Aikido is practiced in a dojo where students can easily learn about flexibility an adaptation. These are the ultimate results of the manner than Aikido students try to achieve. Relaxation and calm are taught in Aikido because Aikido is primarily about practice and following through with the principles of philosophy as well as spirituality. Masters and instructors of the art of Aikido teach people in the art that the Ki or energy only flows to its complete potential when the human body is completely relaxed. Ki is recognized as a very basic and yet powerful force.

Superiority in strength and muscular abilities often hinders the Ki. Aikido focuses on flexibility and endurance rather than the development of strength and muscular features. In order to make use of the power of the Ki, this energy must be permitted to flow. This energy will also only flow when the person is in a relaxed state. Unlike muscles you cannot build this relaxed state through exercise. A certain spiritual journey is required by all Aikido students so that they can have the peace and calm that is essential during combat.

When we are constantly in a state of defense and fear we tend to be too busy to concentrate and thus we can be distracted easily. This fact is taught in Aikido which also insists that its students remain calm and focused in the face of an assault. By being calm you have an advantage over your aggressors because you remain focused and you can’t easily be toppled or thrown. Advanced techniques in Aikido also teach you how to fall properly and rebound easily in order to plan a counter attack as you rise.

Other than combat and the dojo, Aikido masters also focus on the cultivation and developments of spirituality and character within Aikido students. By doing this they teach Aikido students to employ the principles of the art of Aikido in their everyday lives. By understanding Aikido properly they also gain better performance not only in the dojo but outside it as well.

In life having Aikido as an element of your daily routine promotes a certain peace and calm that helps you overcome even the toughest of all that life throws at you. Aikido teaches its students that they should be flexible and they should also adapt and remain calm at all times. These are the means with which you can be able to cope with the rigors of life.

Most Aikido practitioners relate the practice of the art of Aikido to other aspects of everyday life such as work, play and their relationships with other people. By doing this they remain singular with the purpose of Aikido in life. Aikido has two combatants – the Uke and the Nage. The Uke is the aggressor while the Nage focuses on neutralizing the attack of this aggressor. The Nage and Uke personalities should be both explored so that you can learn from these techniques and battle the weaknesses of both personalities together. If you need this sort of understanding of life and the way it really works you might want to learn Aikido today.

Written of Darren Williger

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